OCS-I/O CsCAN Base. 2 Flexible (Digital or 12-bit Analog) Inputs, 2 Digital Outputs, 1 Universal 16-bit Analog Input, 1 Analog Output. Up to 7 modules per base.
4 Analog Outputs module. 12-bit resolution, selectable channel-by-channel for 0-20mA, 4-20mA, or 0-10V
4 Universal Analog module. 16-bit resolution, selectable channel-by-channel for 0-20mA, 4-20mA, 0-10V, PT100/PT1000 RTD, or J/K/T/E/N/R/S/B-type Thermocouple
Highly expandable remote and expansion I/O for OCS, the Horner OCS-I/O expands the I/O capacity of OCS all-in-one controllers. OCS-I/O uses fieldbus technology and can be installed locally or hundreds of meters away.